Applying Topical Ketoprofen — Some Crucial Safety Measures
With a bachelor’s degree in finance from James Madison University, Chris Manfuso is the national director of sales for Enovachem Pharmaceuticals, an FDA-approved pharmaceutical company situated in California that manufactures pre-packaged hormone and wellness products. Chris Manfuso works at Nubratori RX in a similar capacity, overseeing sales of the company’s products such as Frotek (topical ketoprofen).
Topical ketoprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug that helps alleviate pain from tissue inflammation. The drug works by altering inflammation mechanisms in injured tissues locally. Often called ketoprofen gel, topical ketoprofen is usually prescribed to patients by physicians for extensive pain management goals, and its usage may continue for days. The substance is mostly unsuitable for people with NSAID allergies, pregnant or nursing mothers, asthmatic patients, and people with certain skin conditions like eczema.
By just rubbing the substance gently on the skin till it is completely absorbed, the injured tissue (bone, joint, or muscle) underneath the treated area can respond to its effect. However, the gel should not come into direct contact with the eyes or any bruised/irritated portions of the skin. If this happens, the substance should be washed off with warm water.
Applying ketoprofen makes the skin sensitive to sunlight. For this reason, patients need to avoid directly exposing the treated area to the sun. The increased photosensitivity will continue for roughly two weeks after a patient stops using the gel. For this reason, the extra precaution against sunlight should be maintained for two weeks after treatment has been completed.